Registration of various forms of business ownership.
The Golden Share legal team offers business registration services.
We register businesses of various ownership forms:
- – Individual entrepreneur.
- – Limited Liability Company.
- – Private Joint Stock Company (PJSC).
- – Public Joint Stock Company (PJSC).
- – Mass media.
- – Associations and organizations.
- – Branches.
- – Representative offices.
- – Other.
Registration Stages:
- Advising on business ownership types and corresponding systems of taxation.
- Data Correlation. At this stage, the data expert and owner together determine and correlate the input data: the number of founders, their shares, charter capital, nominee director, the business’s name and more.
- Checking brand/trademark availability.
- Establishing and registering your legal address.
- Registration documentation package, prepared by our lawyers, based on your suggestions, legal requirements and the interests of the business.
- Registration of the business at all the necessary regulatory agencies and authorities: tax inspection, statistical offices, Pension Fund, and any others.
- Creating the company’s official seal.
- Opening your business bank account.
- Registration with the State Administration.
You receive great service and full guarantees with Golden Share:
- – You can avoid costly errors which would result in the time-consuming process of re-registering. When you enlist our help in filling out documents, forms or invoices, we eliminate the possibility of error which could lead to your registration being denied. Our legal team anticipates and takes into account all necessary aspects of your business’s immediate activities and potential long-term development when conducting your registration procedure.
- – No wasted time and effort. We guarantee registration within the shortest possible time frame. You won’t have to waste your time preparing lengthy, complicated documents and carrying out numerous procedures. We do it all for you.
- – 100% guarantee of successful registration. 9 out of 10 attempts to register a business without professional assistance end in failure. But with our expert team of lawyers providing full and competent support of the registration process, we guarantee 100% successful results.
Being properly registered as a legal entity is key to the successful development of any business. By entrusting us with your company’s legal registration you’ll be getting a guaranteed solution to this complicated issue, within an optimal and clearly defined time-frame.
We provide a range of registration related services:
- – obtaining: taxpayer identification codes for non-residents;
- – work permits for foreign nationals;
- – residence permits for foreigners;
- – licenses for activities which are subject to licensing;
- – nominee director services;
- – and many others.
Golden Share has registered hundreds of commercial companies and non-profit organizations, either as independent business entities, or as branches and representative offices. Our lawyers provide expert legal advice on all aspects of economic activity and business prospects.