Financial and Tax Strategies
If you are doing or planning business in Ukraine, we would be happy to offer you our professional financial and tax planning services.
Very often, a business’s organizational structure is not appropriate in terms of taxation.
Our goal is to help owners or top managers develop an optimum legal, financial and tax structure of their businesses. To succeed in attaining the goal, we, together with our client, find solutions to the following issues.
1. A total list of legal persons in business and their constitution
2. Tax jurisdiction areas
3. Legal forms and systems of taxation within a given tax jurisdiction
4. Ownership structure and corporate stock allocation in every business entity
5. Contractual relationship among individual structural
6. Allocation of fixed assets
7. Recruitment structure and methods 8. Relationship with other businesses such as clients, suppliers and partners
9. Investment attraction efforts and relationship with investors (loans, public issue of shares or bonds, joint investment projects, etc.)
10. Internal and external cash flows
11. Analysis of tax exposure and risks for every possible solution for each above item
We help foreign investors invest in Ukraine and Ukrainian investors invest abroad, offering them our support and advice at any stage of individual investment projects. We support the Ukrainian companies in finding venture capital investors and promoting their IPOs in international stock exchanges.
Not only we develop tax strategies from the scratch, but we also can optimize your currently existing financial and tax strategies. Our practical solutions are aimed at creating healthy cash flow management for minimum loses and tax risks and for a correct business structure in terms of ownership and management.
Using our services means your business gains an experienced professional ally in tax and financial issues.