ITS (information technology support)
Information technology support is provided for registered users of the BAS family programs in two versions – ITS PROF and ITS TECHNO.
ITS PROF includes:
- access to the FREDO DokMan service;
- monthly opportunity to use the “Auditor’s Consultations” service;
- the possibility of registering an ITS contract lasting 24 months.
ITS TECHNO includes:
- access to documentation, technical support, development, and administration materials.
Additional SERVICES can be arranged regardless of the availability of ITS:
- Online service “RDI Service”.
- Individual FREDO online services.
- Package of online services “FREDO” – FREDO Report + FREDO DocMan.
- The package of online services is “Technical support” – full access to the ITS Portal, consultation line, RDI Service, and Lectures.
- Package of services Accounting – Pactum. Counterparty package Business 2200, FREDO Report, FREDO DocMan, 12 Auditor’s Consultations, Lectures.