Registration of companies founded by foreign citizens (non-resident founders).
The first step to starting a business in Ukraine is registration with the corresponding state authorities.
Ukraine’s legislation makes provisions for registering companies with foreign capital and founders. The founders may also be either foreign private individuals, or legal entities.
Our registration services for companies with foreign partners include:
- – Advice and recommendations on choosing the company’s ownership type and most advisable tax system for their situation, as well as registration with this tax system.
- – Preparation of necessary documents.
- – Carrying out the necessary preliminary procedures for your company’s registration, and obtaining various types of mandatory registration (a TIN for a non-resident founder, etc.).
- – Assistance with establishing and registering their official business address.
- – Registration of the company with the USR (United State Register of Ukraine).
- – Legal support for opening a company bank account.
Golden Share assists its clients in obtaining all necessary permits which allow them to work and reside in Ukraine without any restrictions.
Choosing our firm as your company’s legal representative in Ukraine will enable you to receive the continued support and invaluable legal advice needed to operate effectively as a foreign business in Ukraine, as well as practical recommendations based on our experience and exceptional knowledge of Ukraine’s legislation and the realities of this particular business environment.
Our years-long, in-depth study, and specialized knowledge of the needs of foreign companies in Ukraine give us invaluable insight and expertise, and we are able to offer a cutting-edge approach and a range of highly-sought support services.
These include:
- – legal and tax counseling;
- – work permits for foreign nationals;
- – residence permits;
- – other types of legal permits;
- – nominee director services;
- – accounting services;
- – obtaining licensing for specific activities which require this;
- – establishing an official business address;
- – assistance with document flow;
- – and much more.